Pre-Wired National Self Spacing Hoffman Frames
IMPORTANT; These frames have a fault but are still very useable. Please read -
The side bars have been put on backwards so the [ > part of the frame is facing the wrong way. They are still self spacing and work like they should with the correct self spacing.
If you have castellations in your supers they will work perfectly or if you're filling the super with these frames only they will work perfectly, no need to worry.
If these will be mixed with other frames in the supers we suggest you buy them with the plastic frame spacers to avoid the > < part of the frames touching.
We will be getting a new batch in a few months without the fault.
National Super Frames (Shallow)
Pack of 10 ready assembled, pre-wired frames.
For the wax foundation to specifically fit these frames you'll need these (SKU GG101)
How to wax these frames
These style of frames are favoured in Europe for their ease of preparation and no assembling required. You'll be able to wax 100's of frames in very little time.
Don't have a wax Embedder Transformer? Order one now.