EFB European Foulbrood Diagnostic Test Kit
Reduced - short date Best before April 2025
The Vita European foulbrood (EFB) Diagnostic Test Kit enables beekeepers and bee inspectors to test for EFB in honeybee larvae and to obtain the results immediately and easily in the apiary.
Works like a home pregnancy test kit and reacts specifically to antibodies associated with the pathogen Melissococcus plutonius which causes EFB in honeybees.
The kit performs as well as standard EFB laboratory tests. It has been validated by the National Bee Unit of the Food and Environment Research Agency (FERA), York and at other institutes internationally. It has been developed for Vita by the Foresite Diagnostics section at FERA in York, UK.
The EFB test kit is similar to and complements the AFB Diagnostic Test Kit (which tests for Paenibacillus larvae subsp. larvae, which causes AFB in honeybees).
For help on how To Use the AFB kit, please watch our YouTube video:
Delivered safely, good price compared to other companies.